Delivering Excellence in Geophysical, Geotechnical, and Environmental Surveys. With a commitment to precision and innovation, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your project needs. Our expert team ensures accurate, reliable results to support your success.


EGS Equipment Warehouses


EGS Group Technology and Equipment


Multibeam Sonars

EGS Group own a large pool of state of the art multibeam sonar systems from different manufacturers.

The pool includes a variety of multi-phase echo sounders, as well as wide swath coverage systems, depending on the survey requirements.


Multibeam Echosounders

EGS own and operate a range of multibeam systems, including high frequency systems for near shore survey applications and target detection, and low frequency systems for mapping and reconnaisance in water depths of up to 6000m. Systems include Kongsberg’s EM2040, for high resolution surveys, and Reson’s SeaBat 7150-F, for full ocean depth surveys Many of the MBES systems operated by EGS can be installed on various survey platforms including vessels of opportunity and ROVs/AUVs.


Sub-bottom Profilers

EGS employ an suite of different seismic sources including pingers, chirps, boomers and sparkers, along with high resolution reciever arrays for each respective system. This includes our in-house C-Boom boomer system, which reliably acquires high quality data for a wide range of applications with penetration exceeding 100m below the seabed. EGS have also utilised parametric echosounding systems, which provide unparalleled resolution for shallow subsurface target detection. EGS also offer Ultra High Resolution Seismic (UHRS) and Multi-Channel Seismic (MCS) systems, utilising high powered boomers and sparkers, to achieve high resolution subsurface mapping of geological layers at greater depth.


Side Scan Sonar

From six to six thousand meters, EGS owned side scan sonars offer advanced sonar imaging for survey acquisition, UXO detection and search and recovery systems and solutions. For target detection to seabed characterisation, EGS can provide systems to achieve your needs.
We can also provide combined operations utilising integrated side scan sonar and sub-bottom profiler systems, along with options for additional sensors including magnetometers.
